Textbook Return Policy
Product Conditions and Time Guidelines must both be met in order for a return to be granted. If you want to return a new textbook, you will have to pay a restocking fee depending on when you return it or take it as a store credit. Books will need to be the same condition as sold in with receipt. Refunds to original method of payment.

● If you return it within 2 weeks of the semester start date, the restocking fee is 5% of the textbook price.
● If you return it after 2 weeks but before 4 weeks of the semester start date, the restocking fee is 10% of the textbook price.
● If you return it after 4 weeks of the semester start date, your return will be rejected unless you have dropped the course with proof, the restocking fee will
be 15% of the textbook price.
● If you purchase textbooks two weeks after classes begin, you have 2 business days to return your textbooks, the restocking fee is 10% of the textbook price.
● For any other exceptions please see Store Manager to discuss.

Used Textbook Return Policy
Used textbooks are non-refundable 7 days after the begining of class. 

Shrink Wrapped Textbooks

Non-Refundable if the wrap is removed. 

Redemption Codes
Must NOT be activated.

Orders Not Picked Up
The STFX Store will notify you when your order is ready (Confirmation email). We’ll also send you a reminder that your order is ready for pick-up at the STFX Store. If you do not pick up your  order by the date specified on the reminder email, your order will be returned to the shelves and there will be a restocking fee against the refund of your order (For more information on restocking fees, please contact customer service).

                                                                                                                                                                                                     *Exception for backorders